SteelCase, Inc and Field Container engage CBC to assist with
"Employee Benefits"
January 2000 (Company of: Michael Jordan, John Elway & Wayne
Gretsky) engage CBC to assist with "Employee Benefit Plans"
Attracting and keeping good people has always been vital to an
organization's success. But today, getting the best possible
return on the sizable investment you make in your employees is
one of the most critical challenges you face.
September 2000
McDonald's selects CBC to assist with "Franchise Hourly
January 2001
AC Delco selects CBC to assist with "Total Services Support
January 2002
Florstar Sales engages CBC to assist with "Employee Benefit
June 2004
Lions Club International engages CBC to consult on "Employee
Benefit Plans"
Comprehensive Benefit Consultants
2021 Midwest Road
Oak Brook, IL 60523